Dear Visitors,
Welcome to our school website. Presentation Primary School is an all-girls school apart from two Speech and Language Classes which caters for boys and girls. We aim to provide a learning environment that is inclusive and welcoming.
Our dedicated staff is committed to the welfare of the pupils and to providing a broad range of learning experiences in a safe, supportive, caring environment. Our school is a happy place where the pupils engage productively in learning.
In partnership with Parents, we work to achieve the best possible outcomes for all pupils so they can reach their full potential in body, mind and spirit. The Presentation ethos, inspired by Nano Nagle, is to cherish all and be especially mindful of those most in need.
I hope that our website will convey to you the vibrant, creative atmosphere in our school where everyone is treated with courtesy and respect.
Take care
Anne Marie O Mara
School will finish on Monday at 12.20pm due to staff inservice on the new anti-bullying procedures, Bí Cineáltas.
There will be no snacks or Hot Lunches provided Monday. Please send your child into school with a snack for small break.
Please make sure you collect your child on time at 12.20 p.m. Thank you.