
Presentation Primary School Waterford

A great tradition of education in Waterford since 1798

School of Sanctuary Update

We were delighted to be invited to TU Dublin this February to receive our award. It was a very special day for our school community. Ten of our student ambassadors travelled with Mrs O’ Mara and Ms. Duke to this special ceremony, where we were officially awarded our Champion School of Sanctuary Status. Our student ambassadors shared our school’s journey through poetry, alongside one other primary school & eight secondary schools! The girls were delighted to meet Aishah Akeorede who commended the girls on their brilliant presentation and their wonderful attitude.

The Prez Presents…

We are excited to announce that our first newsletter is now available. Click the School Life tab above to read all our news…

Grandparents’ Day 2025

We celebrated Grandparents’ Day with two beautiful presentations from Senior Infants and Sixth Class. Senior Infants sang lovely songs, showed pictures and spoke about their grandparents and the special people in their lives. Our Diocesan advisor Sr. Antoinette, joined the celebration which was very special for us. A cup of tea and a yummy bun followed! Well done to all the wonderful children, grandparents and teachers who joined together for this special occasion. Listen to our lovely Senior Infants singing ‘We Sing a Song to Brigid’.

Audio Player

Sixth Class followed with their presentation. Grandparents listened to lovely prayers read by pupils. After their prayer service, grandparents and pupils played a selection of games and partook in a variety of activities. Well done to all who helped organise this special event.

Christmas Crafts

Parents spent a lovely two hours crafting Christmas decorations and angels using shells some very talented ladies with the chats and craic as always!

Presentation Day 2024

Pupils and staff celebrated Presentation Day on 21st November. A special prayer service was held to reflect on and remember the great work begun by Presentation Sisters and carried on by our teachers and staff today. Mrs McAra led the choir who sang beautifully. Pupils from Fifth and Sixth Class read a selection of prayers and Lucy narrated a presentation of Nano Nagle’s life. Click here to watch and listen to One Step Beyond

Science Week 2024

Pupils enjoyed Science Week here in Presentation Primary and the theme was “Regeneration”. Lots of fun activities, experiments and learning took place over the course of the week.

Pupils took part in a variety of Science Stations where they tried lots of different experiments. A huge thank you to Mrs McCarthy for organising such a great event. Everybody really enjoyed it and the experiments were great fun.

Science Week is the national week of celebration of science with hundreds of events for people of all ages taking place across Ireland.

Our ongoing aim here at school is to raise our pupils’ interest and curiosity in Science so please take some time to ask about what your child has been learning and enjoying during Science Week.

Halloween Fun

Witches, goblins, ghosts and ghouls were seen moving around Presentation Primary School on Friday 25th October! Great fun was had by all on dress-up day. Lots of pupils took part in traditional Halloween games and some even got to go trick or treating!

Badge Winners

Last June, pupils from 2nd to 6th entered a badge making competition in conjunction with the Summer Stars Reading programme and Brown’s Road Library.
The winning badge designs were then issued to children across the city when they took part in Summer Stars over the holidays.
Here are our design winners with their badges and fabulous prizes.
We have Geovana, Ashley, Lily, Vanessa, Clarice, Lexi Lee, Alva and Wylma.
As you can see, they were thrilled with their prizes!

Summer Stars Reading Programme

Over 80 pupils participated in the Summer Stars Reading Programme during their summer holidays this year. This is over double the amount of pupils than last year!! We are so proud of our girls here in the Presentation for keeping up some reading during the break. For the first time, we had a Junior Infant girl receive a certificate! Well done to Lian!
One 5th class pupil, Shannon Rose, read over 30 books during her break!
Ava Phelan in 3rd class asked Ms. Lyons if this was her favourite time of the year! It certainly is, when she sees that there are so many pupils who enjoy books as a pastime. As Mrs. O’Mara told the girls after the presentation, ‘you are never lonely if you have a book!’
Many thanks to Ann Marie in Brownes Road library for organising certificates, medals and prizes for our pupils. We are very lucky to enjoy great links with our local library branch and Ann Marie ensures that the Presentation is always invited to the latest library initiatives and are as given a big welcome. Keep up the reading everyone!

Child Safeguarding Statement 2024

Notification regarding the Board of Management’s Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement and the Child Safeguarding Statement 2024 are available on the ‘Parents’ tab at the top of the page.

S.N.A. Appreciation Day

Thursday 26th September is SNA Appreciation Day. It is a day when we stop and remember our Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) who play such an important part in the lives of so many of our pupils. From the moment the pupils arrive to the last farewell at the end of the day, our SNAs work behind the scenes helping, supporting, listening, encouraging and working with our pupils to do and achieve the best they can.

Let us take a moment to say ” Thank You” to Ms. Phelan, Ms. O Brien, Ms. Duke. Ms Norris, Ms Cheevers, Ms Butler and Mr. Phelan. for all they do as they work with loyalty, commitment and kindness, given so generously to the pupils in our school.

Let’s Cook!

On Wednesday 25th September we held our first cooking class with Siobhan Finan of Let’s Cook -we had a fantastic group of 13 turn up and participate. They made a very tasty crusty white bread with a vegetable pasta bake – while having the chats and laughs 🙂
Helen HSCL

Enrolment Form for Junior Infants

The Enrolment Form for Junior Infants in respect of admissions to the 2025 – 2026 school year is now available. Click on the ‘Parents’ tab above to access the document.

Enrolment Forms for all other classes can also be accessed from the ‘Parents’ tab.

Annual Admissions Notice for 2025 – 2026

The Annual Admissions Notice in respect of admissions to the 2025 – 2026 school year is now available. Click on the ‘Parents’ tab above to access the document.

Friendship Day

We celebrated Friendship Day at school on Thursday 18th September! This special day was all about fostering connections and building bonds among our students.

Throughout the day, students partnered up with their class buddies to engage in a variety of fun and interactive activities. They participated in art projects, went on scavenger hunts, played friendship bingo, and much more.

These activities encouraged teamwork, communication, and, most importantly, friendship!

We believe that nurturing these connections is vital for our students’ social development and overall well-being.

Waterford Primary School Cross Country

On Tuesday 17 th September, 40 of our girls and boys attended this cross country event at the grass pitches in the R.S.C. Every child that raced showed unbelievable determination and strength. They can be so proud of themselves for their performances, their behaviour and the support they showed each other. We had ten medal winners on the day which is the biggest haul of medals we ever had. We hope to see lots of these children join local athletics clubs!
Well done everyone!

Wonderful Wonka!

The corridors were buzzing with excitement in anticipation of Wonka this week! Pupils from Fifth and Sixth Class were busy putting the finishing touches to their musical before showtime!

On Wednesday 12th June all classes were lucky enough to get to watch a performance of Wonka and it was evident from all the smiles, cheers and clapping that the show was a huge success. Parents, families and friends filled the hall on the nights of 12th and 13th June from where, lots more cheering and clapping were heard.

The work and dedication that went into this event is a testament to our great staff and pupils. Ms. McKeon organised a competition to design the programme and congratulations to Valentina and Ana for their winning designs. An extra big thank you to Mrs McAra, Ms. Duke and Ms. Fortune for their wonderful guidance in the preparation of Wonka. Super helpers backstage made everything run smoothly so a big thank you to them too.

A Visit from an Olympian!

On Thursday 30th of May we had a very special visitor to our school. Thanks to Miss O’Connor who entered our school into a national competition to win a visit from an Irish Olympic athlete as part of the Dare to Believe programme. Having been chosen as one of the schools to receive a visit, Olympic athlete Phil Healy came to our school. The children made Olympic torches, Irish flags, medals and posters to welcome Phil to the school. It was a colourful event. Phil spoke to the pupils and teachers about life as an Olympian, what it takes to be a high class athlete and her own journey so far. Everyone found the visit very interesting and inspirational. We wished Phil all the best for her future travels to Paris for the Olympic games this summer.

Bake Sale

A great buzz along with some lovely aromas were wafting from the school hall recently! In preparation for their school musical, 5th and 6th classes ran their Bake Sale fundraiser on Wednesday 29th May. Along with the bake sale there was a ‘Guess How Many Jellies in the Jar’ competition and some extra special cakes to be won in the raffle. All classes took their turn to participate in this fun event. The Bake Sale was a huge success we thank you for your support. Next on the list is the school musical ‘Willy Wonka Junior’. Exciting times ahead!

Sports News

Our school won an Olympic ambassador visit in a competition with the Dare to Believe programme. As a result, Phil Healy will be visiting the school during the month of May.

Pupils from First to Sixth Class who qualify for the county track and field championships will be competing in the RSC on May 14th.