
Presentation Primary School Waterford

A great tradition of education in Waterford since 1798

Anti-Bullying Policy 2023 – 2024

The notification regarding the Annual Review of the Anti-Bullying Policy along with the Anti-Bullying Policy 2023 – 2024 can be read by clicking the Policies tab above.

Congratulations to Lily Collins!

Well done to Lily Collins in 1st Class who won a prize during Anti Racism month last year. She won this prize from the library for her drawings in the Senior Infant category.
Part of Lily’s prize was for an author called Kensika Monshengwo to visit our school.
Kensika Monshengwo, along with Anne Marie from Waterford Library visited on Friday 29th September and spoke to 1st – 6th Classes in the hall. Kensika read aloud from his book “Okani and the Crocodile Queendom.” Our pupils really enjoyed the experience and discussed at length the topic of diversity.

Child Safeguarding Statement 2023

Notification regarding the Board of Management’s Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement and the Child Safeguarding Statement 2023 are available on the ‘Parents’ tab at the top of the page.

Friendship Week

This school week is dedicated to “Friendship” which as you know is so important for our wellbeing. During this week, our pupils are engaging in and enjoying all sorts of activities as we focus on what it means to be a friend and to have friends. Throughout the school, classes at all levels are involved in fun activities like “secret friends”, “happy hampers” and recipes for friendship. Random acts of kindness are flourishing.

Friendship is the theme for art and music activities. Our infant pupils have been getting to know their buddies in senior classes as they enjoy many fun lessons together.

Thursday 21st September is also World Gratitude Day and expressing gratitude daily is a very important ingredient for wellbeing and happiness. Each class has been given a flower on which to draw or write something they are grateful for.

And on that note, I would like to express my gratitude for the support you give me and the staff of Presentation Primary School. I am so thankful to be part of this wonderful community of parents, guardians, staff and pupils.

Anne Marie O’Mara

Annual Admissions Notice for 2024 – 2025

The Annual Admissions Notice in respect of admissions to the 2024 – 2025 school year is now available. Click on the ‘Parents’ tab above to access the document.

New Curriculum for Primary and Special Schools

As always, a new school year brings new ideas and initiatives. I have attached an information leaflet from the Department of Education about the new school curriculum.

While the attached leaflet is in English, it includes links to where you will find the information translated into other languages for your convenience.

Click here to read more…

An invitation to Walsh Park

Our camogie team and their coaches met with the Minister of State for Sport and Physical Education Thomas Byrne who visited Walsh Park on Friday 2nd June. Minister Byrne was accompanied by our local Minister Mary Butler amongst others and spoke very encouragingly to the girls about the importance of their participation in sport. Our girls were the first to sit in the new seats in the newly renovated stand and even got to have a few pucs on the playing  field.

A Big Well Done…

On Tuesday 13th June we held a flag raising ceremony for the 2 flags we achieved this year – the Green School Flag and the Amber Flag for Promoting Positive Mental health.
The members of each committee were also presented with their certificates for all of their hard work this year.
Well done to everyone involved.

Phil Healy Olympian Visit for Athletes

The 4th, 5th and 6th Class girls who took part in after school athletics training with Ms. O’Connor, Ms. Nugent and Mrs. Morgan were visited by Olympic athlete Phil Healy. Ms O’Connor is a training partner of Phil’s so she organised for Phil to come and visit the girls. Phil spoke to the girls about her journey as an athlete, her training, her nutrition, and her journey to the Olympic games. Phil finished her visit by doing relay races with the girls and signing some autographs on Irish flags. The girls loved meeting an Olympic athlete and learned so much about the sport. Thank you Phil!

National Children’s Choir 2023

Congratulations to Eve, Aoife, Molly, Kassie, Grace, Zuzanna, Abbie, Charli, Lily Ellen, Nicole, Lisa-Jane and Sorcha who sang so beautifully as part of the National Children’s Choir at the National Concert Hall, Dublin on 29th May. Presentation Primary School was the only Waterford school represented at the event. Many, many rehearsals took place before the big night. A super experience for everyone and lots of happy memories were made. A huge thank you to the teachers involved in the preparation for this event. Work started in September and continued to the regional concert and right up to the finale on May 29th. Well done to everyone!

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to our Second Class pupils who made their First Communion on Saturday 6th May. Many thanks to their teachers who prepared them so well for this very special occasion in their lives.

Wonderful Writers

Well done to the three 4th Classes who have been working hard on their narrative writing and completed the “Our Class Book” project from CJ Fallon.
Every girl wrote a story and these were compiled and published into Class Books. Pupils and parents had the opportunity to order a copy of these wonderful books.
A special well done goes to the girls in Ms Hennebry’s Class – their book has been chosen to be sent as the sample for all classes in the future!

Challenge to Change

Mrs O’Dwyer’s 4th Class took part in the Challenge to Change project this year with their project called “Climate Change and Clothes: What Can We Do?”
Their project focused on the impact which Fast Fashion is having on the environment and highlighted sustainable fashion choices. The girls got the opportunity to tie-dye old t-shirts, shorts and socks, and with the help of parents and grandparents, the girls learned how to knit headbands. They then put on a fashion show for 3rd and 4th classes in the hall to highlight the message that you don’t have to have new clothes to have nice clothes. 10 girls travelled with Mrs O’Dwyer to the Challenge to Change showcase in the Lyrath hotel, Kilkenny on April 20th. They enjoyed the opportunity to showcase their project to girls and boys from other Presentation schools and also learn from their projects too. It was a very enjoyable project.

Sports News

The Presentation camogie team, which is made up of 4th, 5th and 6th Class girls, have gotten their 2023 season underway!

The first game saw our team come up against a strong and physical team from St Ursula’s, the girls fought for every ball and played with fierce determination, coming back from being twelve points down at half time, to being beaten by just one goal at the final whistle. An excellent come back from the girls, who were so unlucky on the day.

Friday saw our team line out against Holy Cross in Cleaboy. They put on a super performance and really worked together as a team. They won on a final score of 9-4 to 1-3. It was a great team effort and all 21 girls played a part on the day, while also having great fun!

A special thank you goes to our 5th and 6th class supporters! We loved your posters and chants on the side-lines

Huge congratulations to everyone on the team. We are so so proud of you. Pres Abú!

Aldi Stickers
A massive thank you to all the boys and girls in our school for bringing in their Aldi rugby stickers!
Together, we managed to fill 8 posters, that is 2400 stickers!!
Our posters have been submitted and we will keep our fingers crossed for the prize draw!
Well done everyone 🙂

Wear Red Day

The boys and girls in the Presentation Primary School showed a red card to racism.
On March 31st, the students and staff in our school joined schools all across the country by supporting Wear Red Day.
Classes had wonderful discussions on the importance of treating everybody with kindness and respect and also the importance of celebrating diversity and our differences.
Sixth class shared a lovely message on the intercom and we all took a kindness pledge, where we promised to be kind to ourselves and others.
Students were very proud of the fact that our school is a kind, caring and welcoming place and that we work hard to make sure everybody is happy in our school. 

Presentation’s Got Talent!

Congratulations to Charli Hearne, Eve Butler and Shannon Rose McAra who performed in the Theatre Royal as part of the cast of ‘Encore! The Tops of the Town.’ This was a semi professional production and they were fabulous!

Congratulations to Sadie, Eve, and Grace from Fifth Class and to Ali and Aria from Third Class who took part in the Irish Dancing World Championships in Killarney recently.


HSCL teachers from Presentation Primary and Secondary, St. Paul’s Primary and Secondary, Portlaw N.S. and St. Saviour’s Primary School ran a competition to design a logo ‘Say No to Vaping’. The competition was open to pupils from 5th Class, 6th Class and First Years. HSCLs are working in partnership with parents on compiling information on a padlet which can be accessed through a QR code on a ruler with the winning logo!

Ms Mc Govern (HSCL) is delighted to announce that both the winner and runner-up are both from the Presentation Primary School. The winning logo is designed by Ava Regan with Sorcha Langford as runner-up. Both pupils are from Ms McAra’s 6th Class. Congratulations to both girls.

Ava’s entry will now be printed on 600 rulers for the 5th, 6th and 1st Year classes of the participating schools.

Well done to all who participated in the competition.

The Sacrament of Confirmation

Congratulations to our 6th Class pupils who celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 24th March. A huge thank you to their teachers Mrs McAra, Miss Duke and Miss Power who worked so hard in preparing the girls for this special day.

Well done to the pupils from 4th and 5th Class who sang so beautifully in the choir.

Basketball Blitz

Congratulations  to our fantastic basketball team who represented our school so well in the Waterford City Annual Basketball Blitz in the Mercy Secondary School on 14th March.

After playing five tough matches they got through to the semifinals and were narrowly beaten by a strong Mercy team.
Well done girls!

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023

We celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge during March. Many activities celebrating Irish tradition and culture were enjoyed by our pupils. We had a Tóraíocht around the garden, a Cinnín Óir agus na Trí Bhéar Scéal Trail, Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine and many more fun activities.

Our Lá Glas took place on Wednesday 15th March. Some classes held  a small parade on the bottom corridor. All pupils enjoyed taking part in the school ceilí and ceolchoirm. 

A huge thank you to Mrs O’Dwyer, Miss Hennebry and all other helpers for organising this special week everyone.