
Presentation Primary School Waterford

A great tradition of education in Waterford since 1798

World Book Day 2023

World Book Day was a great success on Thursday 2nd March. Pupils celebrated the day by dressing up as a character from their favourite book. They also enjoyed a ‘Story Walk’ around the School garden. The focus story was ‘Stuck’ by Oliver Jeffers.

Pupils and teachers enjoyed working out the answers in the Guess the Reader Photo Scavenger Hunt.

The three Fourth Classes have spent many days composing and drafting their stories to make a Class Book. These will be published by CJ Fallon at the end of March.

We have yet to look forward to a visit from the author, Alan Nolan on the 14th March.

A huge thank you to Miss Lyons for organising such a great event for everyone.

Cumann na mBunscol Br. Anselm Memorial Quiz

Well done to our 6th Class representatives in the Cumann na mBunscol Br. Anselm Memorial Quiz recently. The girls were two of 29 teams taking part in the event at the Tower Hotel. They represented our school so well despite a few nerves on the night. Well done to Lily B, Libby, Lilly Ellen, Emily, Ríona, Roslyn, Sorcha and Charli.

Safer Internet Day 2023

Tuesday 7th February was Safer Internet Day. As you know, the majority of children are now using the internet regularly therefore it is very important that they also  know how to be safe online.

As parents/guardians, we want our children to enjoy the benefits of the internet for both their learning and wellbeing. However, as parents/guardians, we also have a responsibility to keep our children safe and this certainly has become more challenging on the internet.

I urge you to take time to check out the fantastic resources for parents/guardians which can be found on the Webwise link below. This website offers good advice, information about apps and good talking points to keep the conversations open around internet safety.

Having discussions around being safe on the internet with your children cannot be left to schools alone. We must work together to keep our young people safe when they use the internet.

Click here to find out more from Webwise

Wellbeing Week

Pupils and staff enjoyed celebrating Wellbeing Week and with lots of fun ideas and activities. We enjoyed Mindful Monday, Together Tuesday, Wacky Wednesday, Thankful Thursday and Feel Good Friday.

Each day a member from the Amber Flag committee shared some positive thoughts and activities on the P.A. system. Mindfulness meditation in classrooms followed each announcement. We even had a special song…

Other activities for the week were…

Mindful Monday – Yoga for Infants to 1st Class

Together Tuesday – Buddy Art  and Zumba 

Wacky Wednesday – Pupils can show their uniqueness and personalities through something ‘wacky’ – maybe odd socks , crazy hair day.

Thankful Thursday – Gratitude activities to reflect on what we are thankful for in our lives

Feel Good Friday – Music in the Yard 

A huge thank you to our wonderful Wellbeing (Amber Flag) Team who were involved in the planning, organisation and running of this very special week for everyone.

Aldi Play Rugby Stickers

On Thursday 26th January the students from Mrs O’Sullivan’s 2nd Class, Mrs Cody’s 3rd Class and Ms Duke’s 6th Class launched the Aldi Play Rugby Sticker competition in our school.

Entry to this competition means that we will be in with a chance of winning fantastic prizes for our school, including a sports facility makeover worth €50,000. ALDI shoppers will be able to collect one sticker for every €25 spent in any of their stores.

Please send any stickers collected in to your child’s class teacher. When we collect 300 stickers we will be entered into the draw for €50,000 for the school.

Thank you from the Presentation Primary Active School Committee!

Grandparents Day

‘Happy Grandparents Day’ to all our amazing grannies and grandads! Thank you for everything that you do for us…especially all the hugs and treats!!

Sports News

A massive well done to our wonderful indoor camogie team who took part in the Cuman na mBunscoil Indoor Blitz on 25th January in the Carrickpherish Sports Hub.
The girls came together today for the first time and worked so well as a team! They had two matches against Gaelscoil na nDeise and Gaelscoil Port Láirge and they came away with a win and a loss, a super achievement for our new team.
A wonderful day out and a great start to the 2023 camogie season!
5th Class was represented by Eve B, Eve D, Ella M, Keeley R & Abbie M.
4th Class was represented by Paulina K, Hannah O, Emily P, Zoey B & Ana K.
More Sports News…
A very busy time for the pupils of the Presentation Primary School!
Students from our school were Irish dancing all over the country! There was no stopping our students, with lots of firsts, medals, trophies and personal achievements. Well done girls & keep up the wonderful dancing.
Members of the under 12 & 14 De La Salle camogie teams were presented with their county medals at the Camogie Awards night on Saturday. No doubt we will see some of these girls playing in Croke Park in years to come! #FutureAllStars
We are so proud of you all!!

Christmas Fun

Well done to all the pupils who participated in the Christmas Pageant on 15th December. Ms. Butler’s Class,  with help from Mrs McKenna’s and Mrs O’Sullivan’s classes performed a beautiful version of The Christmas Story. All other classes had an opportunity to sing their Christmas song too. Everyone had a lovely evening and enjoyed being back together again for our annual Christmas Pageant.

Ms Power’s Language Class watched the Helix Christmas Panto and had hot chocolate with Ms. McGovern.

The students in Sixth Class have been very busy spreading some Christmas cheer around our school over the last couple of days! Students have been supper busy painting some Christmas pictures on our windows. They have also been busy helping Ms Stones with her Christmas noticeboard and garden. Make sure and check out our lovely paintings!

There were lots of other fun activities that all the pupils enjoyed during December. Check out our photographs below to find out more…

Science Week 2022

We enjoyed Science Week here in Presentation Primary and the theme was “Infinite Possibilities “ with lots of fun activities, experiments and learning going on over the course of the week. Each morning we had “Science with 6th Class” broadcast where 6th Class pupils delivered fun information and facts across our P.A. system. Everyone really enjoyed the week and a big thank you to the teachers who helped make the week such an exciting one.

Visit from the Mayor

Waterford’s mayor, Clr. Jason Murphy visited our school on Thursday 27th October. Members of the Green School committee spoke about their cookbook “Let’s Grow Together”, for which they received a School of Excellence Sustainability Award last year. They also presented the mayor with a copy of the cookbook. It was fantastic to have our hall back in use and to welcome Waterford’s First Citizen.

Children’s Book Festival 2022

On Tuesday 18th October 2022, our 2nd and 3rd Class pupils thoroughly enjoyed a visit from digital artist Wayne O’Connor today in our own school library. Wayne had the girls and boys listening, giggling and responding to his imaginative tales! Thank you to Wayne and Waterford City and County Library. Another Children’s Book Festival well spent!

Summer Stars Reading Awards

On Wednesday October 19th 2022, we had a special morning in our school library, when Ann Marie from Brownes Road Library presented our girls and boys with their Summer Stars Reading medals and certificates. Pupils from Junior Infants to 6th Class participated in this lovely reading initiative during their summer holidays. We are all very proud of these children and envious of their fabulous award. I wonder will more Presentation pupils undertake the summer challenge next July and August?

Climate Action Week 2022

A big well done to all the classes that took part in Climate Action Week. The school was a hive of activity with all classes doing their bit to learn about climate action and changes we can make as a school to save energy.   Remember – If It’s Not in Use, Turn off the Juice! We can all play our part and help reduce our energy use!

The Green School Committee did a fantastic job setting daily challenges for the school on the intercom such as nominating an energy monitor in each class, asking classes to research Sustainable goals, introducing our Green Code and informing us about climate issues. Well done, Girls!

Our School Green Code – Think Global, Start Local- there’s no Planet B!

Friendship Week

During September we celebrated a week dedicated to “Friendship”. During this week, our pupils engaged in and enjoyed all sorts of activities as we focused on what it means to be a friend and to have friends.

Throughout the school, classes at all levels were involved in fun activities like “secret friends”, “happy hampers” and recipes for friendship. Random acts of kindness were flourishing.

Friendship was the theme for art and music activities along with story books and outdoor pursuits. Our infant pupils had the opportunity to get to know their buddies in senior classes as they enjoyed many fun lessons together.

Walk on Wednesday

We had a great turn out for our ‘Walk on Wednesday’ on 21st September to celebrate ‘National Walk to School Week’.  

Well done to all the students and teachers that joined us!  Hopefully we will make our WOW (Walk on Wednesdays) a regular event when the weather is more settled. 

Waterford City Primary Schools Cross Country Races

A big well done and congratulations to all 32 pupils who took part in the Waterford City Primary Schools Cross Country Races. We are so proud of you all and hope that you had a great day. Congratulations! Thank you to the teachers who accompanied the pupils to this event. We could hear you cheering here at school!


Our Home School Community Liaison Teacher ( HSCL) Joan Fetton and SNA Josephine Walsh will be retiring from our school at the end of this school year.

Joan started her career in Presentation Primary School as a substitute teacher in 1992 securing a permanent position in 1998. Over the past 27 years, Joan has taught in Senior Infants, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and the Speech and Language class as well as her current role as HSCL.

Josephine Walsh worked in our playschool from 1992 before becoming an SNA in 2000 completing 22 years of dedicated service to children with special needs in our school.

We are privileged to have worked alongside these wonderful ladies. We thank them for their very long service to our school and wish them a long, healthy and happy retirement.

It’s Showtime!

The corridors have been buzzing with excitement over the last few weeks… Almost 60 pupils from Fifth and Sixth Class were busy rehearsing for their production of ‘Annie’.

There were two casts and performances took place on Monday 20th June.

A competition was held to design the programme for the show. The winning artists were: Julija M., Nadirah O., Elodie D., Mikayla A., Leah B., Mya L.O., Charley P., Milicia S. and Emilia O. Well done girls!

A huge thank you to Mrs McAra, Miss Duke, Miss Butler for all their hard work in putting the show together. Another huge thank you to the other members of staff for all their help with set, costume and programme design as well as front of house.

A huge congratulations to everyone involved. Lots of happy memories were made during the last few weeks.

Summer Fun

There have been a lot of fun things going on in the school recently. We had Sports Day and a bouncy castle which were great fun. The ice-cream van arrived too, yummy ice creams!!! 🍦🌞 Everyone had a great time. Pupils took part in a variety of activities from hoola hoop challenges, skipping activities, obstacles courses, tennis racket relays, javelin throws and egg and spoon race to name a few.
We want to acknowledge all the hard work done by all the 6th Classes in setting up our Sports Day but a special mention to Ms. Duke for all her organising. Thank you! 👏

Peace Proms Concert 2022

The three 3rd Classes were delighted to put on a performance of their Peace Proms songs in school recently. They have been working so hard learning the lyrics and actions since last September! Unfortunately, this years concert in WIT Arena was cancelled but they loved having the chance to show off a little of what they learned. Click here to watch our show