
Presentation Primary School Waterford

A great tradition of education in Waterford since 1798

Fifth Class

Miss Fortune


Pupils attended the Presentation Secondary School to meet with 10 of their TyS. They completed a Make Code Arcade workshop where the girls made two games using coding.


We worked so hard to prepare for World Book Day in Room 17. We decided it would be a great idea to make our buddies their very own personalised picture book for World Book Day.
We met them and asked them lots of questions about themselves, this gave us some ideas for our books.
We made a plan and got to work. We made the most beautiful books for our buddies and we were so pleased heading to their classrooms to read them their books today. We most definitely have some upcoming  authors and illustrators in 5th class judged by the books we made for our buddies.
We got another chance to become authors and illustrators in our class today. Miss Fortune gave us each a piece of paper and we had ten minutes to illustrate it. She then collected them and gave us a random illustration and we wrote a story based on this. We then returned them to the original illustrator , we really enjoyed this activity. We also completed an emoji quiz where we had to pick the book title . World Book Day was so much fun


We also had a fun filled February. We met our buddies to start planning their very own personalised books for World Book Day which we will write and illustrate for them.
We have been so busy in maths learning all about fractions and did some fun stations with all fraction activities. We started to learn about the Aztecs in History and went on an Aztec walk.
We earned our reward on our superstar jar and turned our classroom into our very own Spa, we had a very relaxing day and finished it off decorating and eating pancakes.
We imagined what we would look like when we are 100 and designed ourselves and also got very creative with charcoal and drew some Famine pictures to finish off our famine topic.
We also had our well-being in school. On mindful Monday we did a chocolate meditation, together Tuesday – we created beautiful feathers with our buddies , welcome to our Wednesday was very special, we came to school in clothes that represent us and brought everyone into our little worlds. We had a very special visitor called Bernie Woods in our classroom and she completed some beautiful mindfulness activities with us. We really enjoyed February in Room 17.


We started off January setting some goals for term 2 which we will review at the end of the term to see if we have achieved them. We learnt all about electricity and had great fun making electrical circuits. We also got stuck into some narrative writing and we wrote some nice setting descriptions and compared them to our partners to make a collaborative paragraph.
We celebrated catholic schools week and Grandparents day also , we made beautiful cards for our dear Grandparents and Nandhana even posted hers all the way to India.


We have had a fun filled December and have been very busy in room 17. We went to the cinema to see wish which was a huge treat. We posted some letters with our buddies in the special Santa post box. We also made some reindeer biscuits which was great fun . We completed some Christmas procedures and even tested ourselves and wrote a procedure as Gaeilge. We have had the best start to 5th Class in 2023 and can’t wait for 2024. We are ending 2023 with a tea party and some chocolate biscuit cake we made ourselves.


In November we started our winter art and we’re inspired by van Goughs starry night and the northern lights. We had a cosy pj day and watched The Parent Trap. We also learnt all about materials and how they can mix in science and made our very own lava lamps. We made cards for our buddies for homework and delivered to them in their classroom.


We were very busy for ‘Maths Week’ in room 17. We picked a number a day and made as many equations as we could for that number.
Our next activity we completed a ‘Figure Me Out’ page, the girls made some equations about themselves for example our age, house number, number of siblings and shoe sizes. We then swapped these with our class members and they ‘figured out’ all the information about us.
We also designed some Maths trails for our buddies and brought our buddies on a Maths trail around the school.
We also did some fun Maths in the computer room – Miss Fortune gave each of us a budget and we got to spend that budget on designing a room in a house. We researched different websites to find items that we could buy within our budget.
Lastly we did some data with smarties. We first predicted how many smarties were in the box, then we counted them and divided them into groups of colour. We made bar graphs based on these. Finally we got to eat the smarties.
We had a great week for Maths Week in our class and saw how Maths is everywhere and can be very fun.


We made some identity bracelets that showcased and celebrated our similarities and differences. We competed some STEM activities which showed that we needed to work together to get the best results. We competed an activity with toothpaste that though us a very deep message that once we’ve said unkind words to our friends it is very hard to take them back.
We also got stuck in to some reading where we had an afternoon of book tasting – we were allowed to read as many books as we could  in each station and keep note of the ones we liked the most.
We got stuck in to some place value and learnt all about prime numbers.
We became archaeologists and noticed how difficult it is to be so careful and mindful with the delicate artefacts ( this proved difficult for us as our artefacts were chocolate chips from cookies. We got stuck in to some safe cycling in the yard and had some very brave girls who cycled for the first time with no stabilisers.We also learnt all about our body organs and made our very own model of the organs and also a model of our lungs.