
Presentation Primary School Waterford

A great tradition of education in Waterford since 1798

Fourth Class

Miss McNamara


May was a very busy month for us! We had a visit from the Olympian, Phil Healy, who gave an inspiring talk about her athletics journey. We prepared posters and Irish flags to welcome her to our school. Our ukulele lessons came to an end this month and so we performed the song ‘The Best Day of my Life’ in the hall to show off all of our hard work this year.
We began a project in Maths where we created our ‘Dream Bedrooms’ using our knowledge of area and perimeter to help. We also began learning how to knit and had family members come to the class to help us to learn! We participated in a printmaking workshop in school recently where we were shown how to print like professionals! We made our own stencils using foam and produced many prints.
In April, we were busy practising as part of the choir for the Confirmation and sang beautifully in the church on the day! We also learned about the Romans this month and created some beautiful mosaic inspired by Roman villas.

Term Two

In March, we learned two Irish songs, Abair Leat and Seanín Bocht for the Seachtain na Gaeilge Cheolcoirm and we dressed up in green to celebrate St.Patrick’s Day!
In February, we also had Wellbeing Week where we focused on our wellbeing and being kind to others. We had a visit from Bernie Woods who helped us create Mindfulness Kits and we also did art with our buddies this week.
We started term 2 by starting swimming lessons in Splashworld! We had a great time learning how to swim. We also jumped into drama when learning about the Gaelic Revival and when learning about the Chinese New Year. We put on a mini play for our buddies in 2nd class all about the animals of the Chinese Zodiac.

Term One

October started off with a visit from a theatre company to the school who put on a performance of Cinderella for us. It was fantastic!
We dressed up in green for World Mental Health day and did some art with our buddies. To mark Tree Day, we planted conkers and to mark Maths Week, we did lots of fun activities. We took Maths pictures at home, took part in a Zoom quiz and also put our detective hats on to complete a Halloween Mystery challenge.
We were also invited to the Theatre Royal twice and got to see two brilliant shows! To top it all off, we dressed up in spooky costumes for Halloween. It was a great month!
Fourth class were delighted to return to school this September! We started the month off by learning about our Name Stories and by learning about the Maori people in New Zealand. We really enjoyed learning the Haka and being fierce warriors!
In art we were challenged to paint a landscape without using green paint and had great fun mixing the colours we needed!