
Presentation Primary School Waterford

A great tradition of education in Waterford since 1798

Fourth Class

Mrs O'Dwyer

April and May whizzed by, we were so busy. We enjoyed the Life Skills programme with Eimear from Waterford School Completion. We completed the Seakeepers project with Green Schools and took the theme of Marine Animals for our projects and artwork. We enjoyed practical activities in Maths like making fruit punch and finding the perimeter of large shapes. Finally, we played “Viva La Vida” and “When Your Ears Hang Low” at the Music Generation Ukulele concert. We can’t wait for what June has in store!

March was a busy and exciting month. The girls enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day and constructing electricity circuits. They sang so well in our Ceolchoirm for Seachtain na Gaeilge. We have also just finished our stories for “Our Class Book” and can’t wait to be published authors and receive our books after Easter.

In February, we celebrated Pancake Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Valentines Day and Leap Day. We also started drumming with Rhythm and Shakes and created parachutes in groups to test over the stairs.

January may have been a cold and stormy month but we enjoyed different activities in the classroom. We presented Reamhaisneis na hAimsire in pairs, constructed 3D shapes with toothpicks and marshmallows (eating the marshmallows after of course!) and made a water thermometer in Science.

December was an eventful month! The girls took part in the nativity play at the Christmas pageant in St Paul’s Church with Ms McNamara’s class and Mr. Curran’s class. They were absolutely brilliant and made us so proud. They also enjoyed a trip to the cinema and a trip to Winterval. They hung their decorations on the Giving Tree and enjoyed a McDonalds.

In November the girls joined the choir for Presentation Day and sang so sweetly at Mass in St Pauls church. We’re also doing well in the HERO challenge – Here Everyday Ready On Time … keep it up girls!

October started with World Mental Health Day on October 10th. Everyone dressed in green and we coloured in the mental health ribbon with our buddies. For Maths Week we really enjoyed using Izak 9 cubes. We were also lucky enough to make 2 trips to the Theatre Royal … one to see ‘Humans:A Robot Musical’ and another to see our plays come alive as part of the ‘Climate Stage’ project.

September was a busy and exciting month. We enjoyed our book tasting and getting started with our reading groups. We are so lucky to be taking part in a project with Nick Kavanagh from the Theatre Royal called ‘Climate Stage.’ For Friendship and Kindness week, we met our buddies in Mrs O Brien’s 1st class and completed lovely activities with them. We all coloured our flowers as part of the whole school display for the hall windows, and wrote what we were grateful for. This included family, friends, school and pets!

We are so excited to be back in 4th class and to welcome 2 new girls; Victoria and Riannette. We had great fun with the STEM activity “Help Harry” and look forward to getting started with all of our subjects.

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