
Presentation Primary School Waterford

A great tradition of education in Waterford since 1798

Senior Infants

Mrs O'Neill


Summer has arrived and June has been packed with lots of fun filled activities. We had a wonderful time watching the 5th and 6th Class pupils perform their Willie Wonka Junior musical in the school hall.

We had our Sports Day on Friday 14th June. It was a beautiful sunny day and we used up lots of our energy taking part in the many fun filled activities organised on the day. Ice lollies at the end of the day was exactly what we needed to cool down and relax after such a wonderful day.

We enjoyed more Ice Lollies and had some Buddy reading with the 6th Class girls.

Highlight of the month was probably our amazing School Tour. We visited the World of Bounce and Mini Farm. We had the ‘best day of our lives’. We sang songs on the bus, fed the animals, played in the indoor and outdoor play areas and enjoyed lunch with our friends. We were tired when we got back to school after a wonderful day.

Senior Infants has been such great fun. We’ve created so many amazing memories, worked very hard and enjoyed our many learning experiences. We’re all looking forward to a well deserved summer rest and looking forward to more amazing adventures in First Class. Well done to everyone, what a super year we all had!


This month we were learning all about Minibeasts.  We had a lot of fun learning all about the bee and the butterfly. We even took care of a chrysalis. We were so excited when our chrysalis finally turned into our beautiful butterfly ‘Betty’. After a day of taking care of Betty the butterfly we set her free in our School garden.

During Aistear we enjoyed creating our very own gardens in the tuff tray and not forgetting our role play at the Garden Centre. We put all of our new knowledge of money to good use paying for seeds, buckets, spades and gardening gloves with the correct coins.

We also planted our very own seeds. We were so proud taking care of our plants and watching our beans grow and grow.

We went to the school bake sale and enjoyed buying lots of yummy treats from the 5th and 6th Class pupils.

March and April…

March has been a very busy month in Senior Infants. We have celebrated World Book day, Seachtain na Gaeilge, learning about Spring time, St. Patrick and Easter. We also started our Lift of to literacy lessons, which the girls are really enjoying. The girls did a super job singing their Irish songs on the stage for our ceolchoirm. The girls looked amazing in their green clothing to celebrate this special day.  Our Easter Egg scavenger hunt was great fun, the girls really enjoyed working out the clues and finding that very special treasure at the end, yum yum we love chocolate coins! 

After such a busy term 2 we are all ready for our Easter holidays and looking forward to more exploring, learning and discovering in term 3. Happy Easter to all of our wonderful Families and Friends from all the Senior infants in Room 1!

January and February…

The girls have been very busy over the past few weeks learning all about The Arctic and Antarctica regions. We really enjoyed learning all about the polar bear and penguin. During Aistear we made some fake snow and used it for our small world activity. We had great fun during Art being creative making our polar bear and clay penguins. We listened to some fantastic stories, I think our favourite was ‘The not so perfect Penguin’.

We were lucky enough to celebrate Grandparents Day with our wonderful Grandparents in the hall. It was a wonderful occasion and everyone enjoyed looking at our Art, listening to our singing and prayers. We were very proud and excited to have Our Grandparents celebrate this very special day with us in school.

We also learned about homes near and far. We discovered that lots of different materials can be found around our homes. We really enjoyed listening to the story of the ‘Three Little Pigs’ and creating  our very own houses made of straw, sticks and bricks. During Aistear we used polydron to build a house. After being inspired by the nursery rhyme ‘There was an Old Woman Who Lived in  a Shoe’ we even created our very own shoe shaped house made from different fabrics and fibres. They look fantastic!


October was a very busy month for all the Senior Infants. We were learning all about Halloween and the season of Autumn. We went on our Autumn trail to find signs of Autumn and we found signs of Autumn everywhere. We collected lots of beautiful yellow, red, orange and brown Autumn leaves which we later used to make a leaf rubbing. It was so much fun learning and discovering outside with our classmates. We really enjoyed learning about the hedgehog. We learned a poem called ‘ The hedgehog has such funny prickles’ and during Aistear we made clay hedgehogs. Our creations looked really amazing.

Ann Marie the Librarian from Browne’s invited us to the library for some Halloween stories and Art and Craft activities. We really enjoyed the stories and had super fun on the journey to and from the library walking, chatting and spotting all the signs of Autumn with our 6th Class buddies.

We thoroughly enjoyed and had lots of fun with our Aistear activities – this month our activities covered the themes of ‘Harvest time & Halloween’.  We really enjoyed making our chocolate apples, designing a lego farm, completing Autumn puzzles using unifix cubes, making brown paper bag scarecrows and using tweezers to find gruesome ingredients in the slime for the many magical potions created in our cauldron during Halloween week. Visitors to our classroom were very impressed with the skeletons we constructed using cotton buds and glue. Take a look at our pictures to see all the creativity and fun we got up to!

We dressed up in our Halloween costumes and had a super time with our 6th class buddies at our very own Halloween Disco in the school hall. Mrs. O’Neill caught some of the action on the camera, so make sure to take a look at our lovely pictures!


A new school year has started and all of the Senior Infant girls in room 1 are really delighted to be back in school and meeting up with all of our friends again. We enjoyed sharing our wonderful summer time memories with each other. 

This month we’ve been very busy learning all about Myself and My Family and School. We brought in some of our baby photographs from home. We had great fun guessing who the baby was and then looking at how much we have all grown. We worked with our partner to create our maps to school – cutting and sticking all the different buildings we pass on our journey every morning and afternoon. 

We had great fun in Aistear. We created houses out of lego and polydrons, played with the Mr. Potato heads, dressed the dolls and created our very own self portraits using fabric and fibres. They look fantastic!

Friendship week took place during the month and we enjoyed having some reading and Art activities with our 6th class buddies. 

We’re off to a flying start and looking forward to a super year ahead. Take a look at our pictures and see us in action!