
Presentation Primary School Waterford

A great tradition of education in Waterford since 1798

First Class

Mrs Southard


Since the 19th April, we have been going to Brown’s Rd Library every Friday. We choose our own books to bring back to school for the week and return each Friday.

February was our busiest month so far! We walked to the library and did a beautiful activity’ Amazing Places and enjoyed ‘ a story with Ann Marie. We are looking forward to our next visit already.
We were very lucky to have Caoimhe and Kasia, 2 volunteers under the Junior Achievement Programme from Sanofi. We had a great time learning and really enjoyed all the activities.
We enjoyed Well Being Week, especially all the activities with our buddies.
On the last day of February we started our swimming lessons in Splash world. In the lead up to this we loved washing, drying and dressing dolls and practicing our skills for the big day! We are really enjoying the bus trip to Tramore and being in the pool.
We were all delighted to be back and excited for the year ahead.We started Gymnastics and had a great time using all the equipment. We learned about Games People used to play in the past and had great time playing ‘ elastics!’.
We have been playing lots of games and doing jigsaws to reinforce our sounds and our sight words. Jigsaws are a great way to encourage sharing, learning through play and spatial awareness.



We were all very excited for Christmas and watching our Arts and Wellbeing club perform Christmas songs from around the world really added to the excitement. Well done to all the girls who performed. We enjoyed our Winter art too. Happy Christmas everyone!
We were very busy again in November and loved using our shop to practice using money. Science week was a big hit with the girls and they really enjoyed the hands on experiments set up in the hall.
We had great fun watching the Cinderella Panto, oh yes we did!! Maths week was fantastic, with lots of girls sending in pictures of working with Maths at home. It was great to see the pictures displayed outside Ms Stones room. We ventured outside for a Maths trail and had lots of fun. We started Zumba and really had a great time dancing in the hall. We all dressed up for Halloween on the day of the Halloween break. Spooky goings on in Mrs Southard’s class!!

September has been a busy month in Mrs Southard’s class. We have been taking advantage of the nice weather, getting out as much as we can. We are busy learning through play and doing plenty of hands on activities. We were luck enough to have the lovely author Kensika Monshengwo visit our school to read us his magical book  Okani and The Crocodile Queendom. We hope you like our pictures