
Presentation Primary School Waterford

A great tradition of education in Waterford since 1798

Sixth Class

Miss Power


We were very excited to participate in a print workshop on May 1st. Sixth Class have also started their ‘Transfer Programme’ with SCP.


On 26th April, we received the Sacrament of Confirmation.


Well done to our 6th Class students who represented our school in the Cumann na mBunscol Br. Anselm Quiz in the Tower Hotel. The quiz was on all things GAA. The girls got to debut our beautiful new jerseys, sponsored by Fresh Today! Well done Mia, Bonnie, Erin, Keely, Abbie, Eve, Ella and Lily Grace.


6th Class has had a very active term between Halloween and Christmas. The girls completed there final 6 week course of swimming for Primary school. 6th Class were lucky enough to do an Athletics taster session. This was great fun- the games were exciting and engaging, the coach really put the girls through their paces, they thoroughly enjoyed it!

6th Class this year have shown great leadership skills when working with their buddies, so much so, they were asked to lead the Science Week activities in the hall this year. They introduced, instructed and helped the younger classes to carry out various experiments including: construction/engineering, energy and forces.

School of Sanctuary has been a big feature of the last couple of months. 6th Class have been learning what it means to be part of School of Sanctuary and how they can use these ideas in their everyday life going forward. Mrs. O’Mara has put a real focus on kindness to each other in 6th Class and we hope the girls will think about these sessions as they interact in the yard, online and outside school.

In the final week before Christmas, 6th Class will be catching up with their buddies in Senior Infants. We will do Christmas art activities and share some treat with them.

6th Class will go to the cinema to see Disney’s Wish, next week- let the festivities begin!


Midterm break started with a ‘Spooky bake off’ in 6th class. Creativity was at an all time high as the groups scrambled to have the spookiest cupcakes! An excellent effort with Halloween costumes set the tone for lovely day before the midterm break.


6th Class have had a busy month settling back into school. It has been a pleasure to see them mature and step up in their responsibilities at the senior end of the school.

6th Class have been getting to know their buddies. This year they are working closely with Mrs. Mundy’s Senior Infants- so far we have done ‘Buddy reading’ and art together. We are busy working on organising a games station for Senior Infants for October.

Each girl participated in Cross Country trials at Cleaboypitch- some from each year group were chosen to attend the RSC for the race day.  Unfortunately, this was cancelled due to poor weather conditions, but nevertheless 6th class really enjoyed training for the event.

On September 27th we attended an Agri aware webinar where we learned about farming cows, milking cows and the nutritional benefits that milk can have for kids.

5th and 6th Class are having a great start to year with Gaelic football. Although, they were very narrowly beaten in their first match against Portlaw NS, they had a great win against Gaelscoil Phort láirge. We wish them all the best as the matches continue throughout October!