
Presentation Primary School Waterford

A great tradition of education in Waterford since 1798

Third Class

Mrs O'Donoghue

In June, we had an action-packed month filled with various activities and memorable experiences. We continued with Zumba, which was a fantastic way to kickstart our Monday mornings with fun and energy.

Our Roots of Empathy program concluded, and we each received a certificate from Catherine to mark our participation. We celebrated with a little party, which added a special touch to our achievement.

In our persuasive writing lessons, we engaged in a lively debate with Ms. Cullen’s class on whether children should have social media. This exercise sharpened our argumentative skills and gave us valuable practice in public speaking.

Games were a big part of our month, culminating in a goodbye party with our buddies. Sports Day was another highlight, packed with exciting activities and games that we thoroughly enjoyed.

Looking ahead, we are eagerly anticipating our school tour to the chocolate factory, which promises to be a delicious adventure.

We also had the unique opportunity to teach the teacher, allowing us to learn from each other and develop our public speaking and lesson preparation skills.

The school show was one of the highlights of June, and we are excited about the possibility of participating in it someday.

With all these wonderful experiences behind us, we are now looking forward to the summer break!


We are thoroughly enjoying the pleasant May weather. We spent time outside with our buddies, creating obstacle courses with chalk on the ground. Inspired by Michelangelo, we attempted to paint upside down under our tables, gaining a new appreciation for the challenges he faced. We also began coding, which we found immensely enjoyable.

Our caterpillars arrived and transformed into beautiful butterflies, bringing mixed emotions as we released them. Monday mornings now start energetically with Zumba, a fantastic way to wake up. Four girls from our class participated in a running competition at the RSC, excelling and having a great time.

In honor of May being the month of Mary, we colored a beautiful picture and wrote a prayer to her. We also learned about natural resources and created stunning wind turbines. Lastly, we had the privilege of meeting runner Phil Healy, who is heading to the Paris Olympics in 2024. Her visit was incredibly inspiring, and we can’t wait to watch her compete.

We have been very busy in February preparing for our Peace Proms Concert. We cannot wait to sing for our family and friends in March at the SETU Arena. We have had lots of fun experiments with sound and different instruments. We really enjoyed trying to make the rice jump off the cups with some trial and error. We have been talking about our favourite hobby during Gaeilge and we enjoyed creating silhouettes of our favourite hobbies.



We were all delighted to be back in school for the New Year. We enjoyed having conversations about our Christmas holidays and what we did in our time off. We were learning to multiply using  hoop cereal and it was very hard not to eat it. We were learning about our favourite sports in Irish and we really enjoyed painting and labelling our favourite sport page. We like lots of different sports in our class. We learned about light and created our light wheels for science. We have also learned about China and made Chinese New Years cards. The best thing by far about January is swimming which we are thoroughly enjoying each week.
December… Happy Christmas from all in Third Class. We have really enjoyed making our cribs to bring home and we are very proud of them. We went to the cinema to see the movie ‘Wish’. The movie was amazing and we had so much fun. We have been practising so hard for our Pageant and Christmas Show with our Drama Club. We hope our parents enjoy our shows. With our buddies we painted our windows, made cards and had a fun Christmas party.
Another busy month in November for 3rd Class. We started Rhythm and Shakes which we absolutely love. We love drumming and waking up the whole school. We also started Gymnastics which we also love. It was Science Week and we became scientists in the hall and we did our own experiments in our class. Our favourite experiment was our eggs in vinegar. They were very smelly but we had great fun bouncing them and seeing them break. We has our first Roots of Empathy visit with baby Alitha. She is so cute. We had Presentation Day and learned all about Nano Nagle. We went for our Peace Proms practice in the SETU Arena and this has made us so excited for our show next year. It is going to be amazing. We started Christmas early and made snowflakes with our buddies. We cannot wait for Christmas.
October was an extremely busy month for us. Our first day back we had a big surprise and watched a show called Cinderella. It was amazing.  We had great fun camouflaging butterflies into our classroom. Mrs. O’Donoghue struggled to find the butterflies. We visited Garter Lane and enjoyed making comic books for Halloween.  We met our buddies every week and did lots of activities including athletics., baking and maths trails. We had a video call with a space engineer called Fionnghuala O’Reilly which was so interesting. We had a mental health day and got to wear green to school and discussed mental health. Maths week was full of fun activities. We completed a difficult quiz, math trails and lots of games. We have done lots of art for Halloween and we loved our ghosts, pumpkins and pumpkins made from clay. Our buddies joined us to make pumpkin rice crispie buns and they were delicious. We are so excited to dress up and really looking forward to our week off with our families.
We have been busy settling into 3rd Class this month by learning and having so much fun. We have been so busy but here are a few things that have stood out for us. We have enjoyed lots of art including our Split Face, Colour Wheel Eye and Stone Age Cave Drawings. We have learned the counties and provinces of Ireland and really enjoyed filling these in on our maps. Friendship week was when we got to meet our buddy class and we were so excited. We did activities with them all week and it was the highlight of our day. We made slime, read books, played board games and much more. We hope to meet them regularly to do lots of fun paired activities. We enjoy our movement breaks and dancing and singing with our friends.