
Presentation Primary School Waterford

A great tradition of education in Waterford since 1798

S.N.A. Appreciation Day

Thursday 26th September is SNA Appreciation Day. It is a day when we stop and remember our Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) who play such an important part in the lives of so many of our pupils. From the moment the pupils arrive to the last farewell at the end of the day, our SNAs work behind the scenes helping, supporting, listening, encouraging and working with our pupils to do and achieve the best they can.

Let us take a moment to say ” Thank You” to Ms. Phelan, Ms. O Brien, Ms. Duke. Ms Norris, Ms Cheevers, Ms Butler and Mr. Phelan. for all they do as they work with loyalty, commitment and kindness, given so generously to the pupils in our school.